Friday, June 1, 2007

Reality on Tilt

I watched Pirate Master last night on CBS and came away with, "haven't I seen this before". I like Survivor and I like things with a Pirate theme. so naturally I thought this would be a winner. It was just ok. Its basically survivor on a boat. I am looking forward to Big Brother. I like that it is Survivor element without starving and stinking. Kinda of a lazy mans survivor.
I know I wouldn't last a day on Survivor, but hell I could go to the finals of Big Brother.
I mean really all the comforts of home, a pool, a jacuzzi, it sure beats my slip n slide any day.
The big man doesn't do well on the slip and slide trust me.

On another subject, my son got 2 hits the other day in little league. He had been struggling at the plate. In an effort to try and help him, I was giving him some "pointers". Well come to find out just add one son and poof! instant "Little League Dad". The last thing I wanted to happen was me being Mr. coach on the sidelines. Well lo and behold I couldn't make the game and he starts hitting. I guess me trying to give pointers thru the fence isn't a good idea after all.
So I have been exiled to the outfield to watch the game with binoculars lol.

This picture is my son's first hit in Little League.